- Getting started
- Overview
- Installation
- Quickstart
- Upgrading
- Setting up your pipeline
- Determining needs
- Using Plugins
- Deploying your app
- Plugin Packs
- Authoring Plugins
- Creating a plugin
- Pipeline hooks
- The deployment context
- Creating a plugin pack
- Creating in-repo plugins
- Cookbook
- Default options
- Using .env for secrets
- Including a plugin twice
- Development workflow
- The lightning strategy
- S3 walkthrough
- Deploy non-Ember apps
- Reference
- Usage
- Configuration
- Other API/Classes

Plugin Packs
What is a Plugin Pack?
After you have a set of plugins that work for your app, keeping them in sync can be cumbersome, especially if you aim to share the same configuration across multiple applications.
Plugin Packs were created to tackle this problem. They are a way to bundle up your whole configuration pipeline into a single addon.
They are Ember CLI addons that will auto install a collection of ember-cli-deploy plugins to satisfy a particular deployment strategy, so you don’t have to.
An example
There are many different deployment strategies and setups out there, however we are seeing some common strategies emerging. Plugin packs are designed to encapsulate the logic of these deployment strategies and give you all the plugins you need to benefit from a particular deployment strategy.
A great example of a common deployment strategy is, what has in recent times been coined, The Lightning Approach to deployment. This strategy involves pushing an index.html file to Redis and assets to S3. But there are also a bunch of other things that you would want to do with this approach. Therefore, you probably would want to install all of the following plugins:
- ember-cli-deploy-build - to build your app
- ember-cli-deploy-revision-data - to generate a revision key
- ember-cli-deploy-gzip - to gzip files
- ember-cli-deploy-manifest - to generate a manifest
- ember-cli-deploy-redis - to upload to redis
- ember-cli-deploy-s3 - to upload to s3
- ember-cli-deploy-display-revisions - to display a list of deployed revisions
To make it easier to get up and running with this deployment strategy, you could instead just install the ember-cli-deploy-lightning-pack. This pack will install the above plugins automatically
and provide you with a blueprint config/deploy.js
How do I use a Plugin Pack?
A plugin pack is just an ember-cli addon so you just need to install it like you would any addon:
ember install ember-cli-deploy-lightning-pack
From then on, just carry on deploying with The Lightning Strategy.
Core Plugin Packs
The following plugin packs are maintained by the ember-cli-deploy core team:
Community-maintained Plugin Packs
The following plugin packs are developed by community members:
- ember-cli-deploy-aws-pack
- ember-cli-deploy-s3-pack
- ember-cli-deploy-azure
- ember-cli-deploy-front-end-builds-pack
Examples of Internal Company Plugin Packs
The following plugins were created by companies that support multiple Ember apps for their own internal use. They have generously open-sourced them for other people to learn from.
- ember-cli-deploy-ink-pack
- ember-cli-deploy-sm-pack
- ember-cli-deploy-yapp-pack
- ember-cli-deploy-zesty-pack
- ember-cli-deploy-pn-pack
Search for plugin packs
For a live list of all current ember-cli-deploy plugin packs this npm keyword search