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The Lightning Strategy

The philosphy and approach of this strategy is explained in this video from RailsConf 2014. The Rails back-end is not essential to the overall strategy, so you can get the idea even if your backend is in a different language.

End-to-end Example

Ember Deploy Demo demonstrates a complete Ember CLI Deploy setup.

It uses:

You can take inspiration from these files:

Example Sinatra app

This is a small Sinatra application, that can be used to serve an Ember CLI application deployed with ember-cli-deploy-lightning-pack.

require 'sinatra'
require 'redis'

get '/' do
  content_type 'text/html'

  redis =
  project = '<your-project-name>'
  index_key = params[:index_key] || redis.get("#{project}:index:current")

The nice thing about this is that you can deploy your application to production, test it out by passing an index_key parameter with the revision you want to test and activate when you feel confident that everything is working as expected.


Alternatively, you can use ember-cli-deploy-rack, which bundles the described functionality in the Sinatra application as a gem.

Example Node apps

Using Koa

This app does the same as the Sinatra app above, it supports the same index_key query param. It should help you to get up and running in seconds and dont worry about server code. This needs your Ember-CLI app to be deployed with ember-cli-deploy-lightning-pack.

Nodejs example with one click Heroku deploy!

Using ExpressJS

This app is very similar to the Sinatra app above but also implements a very simple /revisions endpoint where you can see all current revisions available to use. It is implemented using Express so should be very easy to follow. This needs your Ember-CLI app to be deployed with ember-cli-deploy-lightning-pack.

Simple NodeJS example

Azure Tables Server apps

Example Flask app

This app does the same as the Sinatra app above, it supports the same index_key query param. It should help you to get up and running in seconds and dont worry about server code. This needs your Ember-CLI app to be deployed with ember-cli-deploy-lightning-pack. It is heavily influenced by the ember-lightning NodeJS server, above; but written in Flask for our python-heavy development team.

Flask example with one click Heroku deploy!